A-ADS Tracking Tokens and Their Output

Micheal George
Micheal GeorgeAnalytics & Marketing Manager
Updated: 15 March 2021
A-ADS Tracking Tokens and Their Output

Firstly, info on "Goal tracking" and how to switch it on here.
Most, or all of our tracking tokens are self-explanatory but for elaboration and easy understanding the following article will briefly explain the values of the tokens.

* {{partner}}

This token is the most popular, and to some users, the most important, it denotes {campaign_ID}_{ad_unit_ID}.

e.g. 12345_67890

Where 12345 is equal to campaign ID and 67890 is equal to ad unit ID.

* {{timestamp}}

This token indicates the exact time the ad was clicked. This is simple Unix time

E.g. 1613148215

You can convert the value to normal time using Epoch converter

* {{device_type}}

This token states the type of device that made the click. Available device types: 'Desktop', 'Mobile', 'Tablet' and 'Other'.

E.g. Desktop.

* {{browser_name}}

This token states the name of the browser that made the click. Available browser names: 'Android Browser', 'Internet Explorer', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Google Chrome', 'Mozilla Firefox', 'Opera', 'Samsung Browser', 'UC Browser', 'Apple Safari', 'Yandex Browser', 'Other'.

E.g. Google Chrome.

* {{os_name}}

This token states the name of the operating system that made the click. Available os names: 'Android', 'Chrome OS', 'iOS', 'GNU/Linux', 'Mac', 'Windows', 'Other'.

E.g. Windows

* {{os_version}}

This token states the version of the operating system that made the click.

E.g. 10

* {{http_country_code}}

This token states the country code from which the click was made. Here are available country codes.

E.g. US

* {{http_accept_language}}

This token states the browser language from which the click was made.

E.g. en-US

More info.

* {{ip_address}}

This token states the IP address from which the click was made.


* {{ad_unit}}

This token states the ad unit that is responsible for referring the user that made the click.

E.g. 1410509

* {{banner_size}}

This token states the size of the banner that was clicked.

E.g. 728x90

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